
3 events not to be missed during Paris Arbitration Week

  • 28 March 2017

Question: What do the biggest names in Paris arbitration do to highlight the role the city plays as a major hub for international arbitration? Answer: They join forces to organise the first ever Paris Arbitration Week.

3 events not to be missed during Paris Arbitration Week

Developing a trend begun in Hong Kong and extended to other cities including Dubai, New York, Singapore and Sydney, the ICC International Court of Arbitration, the Comité Français de l’Arbitrage and “Paris, the home of international arbitration” are set to host a series of events from 24-28 April 2017.

Alexis Mourre, President of the ICC Court said: “Paris Arbitration Week is an initiative aimed at promoting Paris as a major international arbitration hub and fostering pro-arbitration policies in a time of challenges and increased international competition between arbitration places.”

Taking place from 24–28 April 2017, Paris Arbitration Week will comprise a number of events hosted at venues all over the city.

Start building your Paris Arbitration Week agenda today with the following three events, taking place as part of the week’s official programme:

  1. The 1st ICC European Conference on International Arbitration

The launch event of Paris Arbitration Week (PAW), ICC’s 1st European Conference on International Arbitration is a “must attend” for arbitration professionals who want to keep pace with the latest institutional developments and the evolution of arbitration in Europe. Taking place on 24 April, the conference will feature law firms and companies including Allianz, BNP Paribas Fortis, Engie, Galp Energia, Hochtief Solutions AG and Siemens. It will address some of the most pertinent issues relating to arbitration in Europe and give participants a chance to learn about ICC’s new expedited rules, which took effect on 1 March.

  1. Cocktail Reception

What better way to connect with like-minded peers from the European arbitration community than at an opening Cocktail Reception marking the official opening of Paris Arbitration Week? An ideal networking opportunity, the cocktail concludes the ICC European Conference on International Arbitration on 24 April.

Join us at Les Salons Hoche in the heart of the city where you will be welcomed by event co-hosts the ICC International Court of Arbitration, the Comité Français de l’Arbitrage and “Paris, the home of international arbitration”.

  1. ICC Institute Training for Tribunal Secretaries

In a week of “firsts”, Paris Arbitration Week will also see the launch of a brand-new training on the role of tribunal secretaries, brought to you by the ICC Institute of World Business Law on 26 April.

The one-day training takes an in-depth look at the benefits a tribunal secretary can bring to arbitration proceedings and explains the skills necessary to excel in this function.

Aimed at legal professionals, the training will feature speakers from law firms including Derains & Gharavi, Latham & Watkins, Orrick, Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler, Cohausz & Florack, Betto Seraglini, as well as independent arbitrators and representation from the ICC International Court of Arbitration.

Learn more about Paris Arbitration Week.