Remarks by Elizabeth Thomas-Raynaud the WSIS Forum, Geneva, 29 May 2015
Outline of intervention made by ICC BASIS Director and ICC Commission on the Digital Senior Policy Executive Elizabeth Thomas-Raynaud.
Thank you Mr Secretary General and Madame Chair
My name is Elizabeth Thomas-Raynaud and I am speaking today on behalf of the International Chamber of Commerce, its Commission on the Digital Economy and its BASIS initiative, Business Action to Support the Information Society
ICC is known as the voice of world business because it brings together thousands of member companies from 120 countries spanning large multinational companies, SMEs, as well as chambers of commerce, business and trade associations from all regions and across all sectors.
ICC convened business during the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Geneva and Tunis and the preparatory processes, and through ICC BASIS has since ensured business experience and expertise are part of the post-WSIS activities including the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), the WSIS action lines forum and the CSTD, among others.
We thank the ITU, and the UN community of partners on this WSIS Forum and the participants who’ve engaged to ensure this week had valuable content and exchange. The programme included a number of stakeholders and we welcome continuing to expand the aims of making the WSIS forum increasingly more multistakeholder and support the call for greater diversity on panels.
We echo the remarks that we should continue to implement the vision and goals of the WSIS and work together through the many multistakeholder activities that allow us to work together to realise the vision of a people-centred inclusive Internet.
It is important that multi-stakeholder partnerships continue to build on policy development and coordination, infrastructure deployment, standards design and financing ICT for development, at global, regional and national levels.
ICC BASIS members have fully supported the WSIS Action Lines through their active participation in the information society in promoting ICTs for development, in their commitment to enhancing infrastructure globally, in their efforts to expand access, engage in education, and promote cultural and linguistic diversity.
ICC BASIS feels it is extremely important that stakeholders and involved, contributing and consulted in the WSIS review process.
WSIS+10 High Level Event Outcomes Documents agreed to in June 2014 noted that the WSIS Action Lines have helped in building a common understanding of the desirability to realize a globally interconnected and inclusive Information Society.
ICC BASIS considers that a clear lesson from the last ten years is that the best formula for success is for all stakeholders to work collaboratively toward common goals.
One of clearest successes of the WSIS is the blossoming of the Internet Governance Forum. It has grown into the premier forum for all stakeholders interested in the information society. Each year, ICC BASIS members participate in the IGF and its preparations, demonstrating the value of the forum to the businesses community.
ICC BASIS believes that the renewal of the IGF is a key component in ensuring that the multistakeholder community effectively engages in the effort to foster ICT for sustainable development and post-2015 realization of the Sustainable Development Goals.
ICC BASIS remains ready to assist in facilitating ways in which all stakeholders, and in particular the business community, can continue to provide input into the important UNGA consultations on the WSIS+10 Review and more broadly in identifying how the Internet economy can be enabled to best advance the global SDGs.