Climate change
7 essential ICC reads to prepare for COP25
These 7 ICC publications provide essential background reading for next month’s COP25 climate negotiations in Madrid.
You’ve changed your travel destination from Santiago to Madrid but in preparation for next month’s climate change negotiations (COP25), have you read these seven papers highlighting ICC positions and activities on behalf of business everywhere?
1. The road to COP25
ICC has been promoting sustainable business for more than 40 years. This overview brochure takes us on a journey highlighting significant milestones on the road to COP25 and outlines what is needed to achieve climate goals that ensure a better future for people and planet.
2. COP25 Key Messages
What messages will ICC be delivering at COP25 on behalf of its global network of over 45 million companies? Find out in this two-page wish list for government action.
3. Principles for a Just Transition
Enabling business to secure peace prosperity and opportunity for all lies in the DNA of our global institution. That’s why it is important to ICC that we work to achieve a sustainable Agenda 2030 that leaves no one behind. In this read, discover what is meant by a “just transition” and ICC’s three key principles for achieving it…
4. Primer on Article 6 – For Business
Close to a year ago at COP24 Climate negotiations, participating countries reached an agreement on the implementation of the Paris Agreement, known widely as the Paris Rulebook. But agreement could not be reached on the implementation of Article 6 – aimed at promoting integrated, holistic and balanced approaches that would make it easier for governments to implement their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) through voluntary international cooperation.
This informative read helps businesses to fully understand what “Article 6” is and why ICC is urging Parties to reach conclusion on the effective and transparent implementation of Article 6 at COP25 in Madrid.
5. Business views on Article 6 – For Parties
Why does ICC’s global network of over 45 million companies in over 100 countries want Parties to reach a conclusion on the effective and transparent implementation of Article 6 at COP25? Policymakers can find out in this insightful paper setting out six comments and recommendations – from measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) to sectoral baselines and standards for emission reduction levels.
6. ICC Declaration on Next Century of Global Business
Inspired by our founding mission, ICC marked its 100-year anniversary by committing to using the full extent of our resources to tackle 21st century global challenges. The declaration, issued upon conclusion of our celebratory Centenary Summit in May, includes recognition of climate change as a growing emergency and endorses the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change on the urgent need to keep the global temperature increase below 1.5 degrees Celsius.
7. Climate change and trade agreements Friends or foes?
Trade and climate change policies must align to catalyse Paris Agreement progress and advance international trade, promoting peace, prosperity and opportunity for all.
Commissioned by ICC as part of the ICC World Trade Agenda – an initiative in partnership with Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Climate change and trade agreements: Friends or foes? examines the degree to which the World Trade Organization and four contemporary free trade agreements are supporting, or hindering, countries’ climate change goals and features
recommendations for policymakers on the use of innovative tools, such as climate waivers, to make trade and climate change goals mutually reinforcing.
COP25 takes place from 2-13 December 2019 in Madrid. Read more about ICC’s involvement in COP25 as the official United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Focal Point for Business and Industry.