
Your guide to business views on IGF 2022 discussions

  • 18 November 2021

Your guide to business views on IGF 2022 discussions

As the institutional representative of 45 million businesses in over 100 countries, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) considers Internet governance to be critical for the promotion of international trade, economic development and innovation.

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In today’s digital economy, Internet governance has implications for businesses operating all over the world, regardless of location, sector or company size. The importance of this agenda cannot be understated in the COVID-19 aftermath, supply chain shocks and geopolitical tensions, especially as economies worldwide are working towards a sustainable economic rebuild.

The Internet and digital technologies are a vital component of this recovery. This is why global leaders from all stakeholder groups must work collectively to ensure that actions are coherent with existing commitments to:

ICC and its Business Action to Support the Information Society (BASIS) initiative, works to ensure private sector views are represented at the Internet Governance Forum and all other forums where the future of the Internet is under consideration. This guide concisely sets out business views on the key issues up for discussion at IGF 2022.